Description: Monk Franziskus harbored unchaste thoughts, which must be cast out with the utmost severity by the novices Frl. Schmitt and Carmen Rivera. First, the Almightys wrath unloads with a paddle on the trembling ass cheeks of the possessed. Then the venerable servants of God go on to cast out the devil out of his defiled entrails. An ass hell of unforeseen dimension awaits the two. They literally have their hands full fighting their way through the infinite width of his innards. They corner the ass demon with mega-dimensional tools. The holy water out of Sister Carmens well is supporting the cause! And even the devil cannot oppose a double fisting of the merciful nuns. Finally, Evil dissipates into the monks stiff cock and catapults out of the obsessed body in a mighty ejaculation. This sexorcism is accomplished and Sister Carmen finally has mercy! Amen! [Note: The spoken language in this film is German]
Date: September 10, 2023
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