Einmal mehr gibt sich der Sadist aus Leidenschaft, Ingo le Grand, gemeinsam mit seinen nicht minder von perversen Gedanken gesteuerten Weggefahrten Agent Z. sowie Ice Tee die Ehre. Ausgestattet mit allerlei Werkzeugen wie Peitschen‚ Reizstrom, Messern, Kafig und dem beruhmt beruchtigtem Fotzen-Sauger, fallen die schmierlappigen Folter-Knechte uber ihr heutiges Opfer, die dicktittige Candy her. Once again, the sadist with a passion, Ingo le Grand, does the honors together with his no less Agent Z. and Ice Tee, who are no less driven by perverse thoughts. Equipped with all kinds of tools such as whips, stimulation current, knives, a cage and the notorious cunt sucker, the greasy, lobbed torture servants descend on their current victim, the fat-titted angel. In the alternating between carrot and stick, the instinct-driven psychopaths maltreat their willing victim to the victim to the limits of what is bearable in order to finally send the slut, shaken by vaginal and anal orgasms shaken by vaginal and anal orgasms, into SM heaven. A masterpiece between pleasure and pain that shakes the shakes the viewer to the core and makes him suffer with every punishment. Have fun.
Date: March 12, 2025
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